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Nakba Day special edition!

Tomorrow, Saturday, May 15th, is Nakba Day, marking the commemoration of the Palestinian holocaust. In honor of the occasion I am re-posting a couple of old favorites. Also, don’t miss tomorrow’s incendiary Nakba Special Edition radio show! -KB

Hamas Rescinds Nakba-Denial Law

(Gaza City – UPI) The democratically-elected government of Palestine, Hamas, has rescinded its new law making Nakba-denial a crime, citing fears that hundreds of millions of Americans and Europeans would be deported to Palestine for trial if the law remained on the books. (complete story:

It’s no joke! Israel criminalizes observation of Nakba

My satire, unfortunately, was not as outrageous as reality. Just a few days ago, the Israeli Knesset passed a law criminalizing observation of the Nakba! Not only have the Zionists made it illegal for anyone in Europe to doubt their version of their holocaust, they have now made it illegal for anyone in Israel, including the 20% who are Arabs and lost families in the Nakba, to publicly notice the holocaust on which the apartheid Jews-only state was built! (complete story:

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